Grottazzolina (FM)

Grottazzolina (FM)

The hills between the Adriatic coast and the Monti SIbillini chain in the south of Le Marche

Photo by Silvio Croce © 2014

Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno

Hills in Autumn at the feet of Monti Sibillini in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

Photo by Steve Slater © 2014



The city center under the snow, white fields all around.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2006

Montalto delle Marche (AP)

Montalto delle Marche (AP)

One of the many beautiful terraces on the carousel of hills and valleys in the south of Le Marche: at the sunset from the old town.

Photo by Steve Slater © 2014

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

The sun rising in front of the shores of Porto San Giorgio, in a summer morning with Monte Conero witnessing in the background.

Photo by Adriano Corradini © 2009

Grottammare (AP)

Grottammare (AP)

Colorful town and historical heritage in front of a small cosy beach along the Adriatic coast. 

Photo by Bruno Spurio © 2014

Porto Recanati (MC)

Porto Recanati (MC)

Few kilometers away from the historical center, the beach of the town where Giacomo Leopardi was born and lived, today with colorful and friendly services for families and kids.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Porto Recanati (MC)

Porto Recanati (MC)

A smaller stripe of sand and umbrellas along the coast.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

A view of the beach from the trails of Monte Conero.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

"Spiaggia delle due Sorelle" (lit. Two sisters' beach) named after the two rocks standing in front of its shore. One of the most beautiful beaches along the Riviera del Conero, reachable only via boat.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

"Spiaggia dei Sassi Neri" (lit. Black stones' beach), a suggestive beach on the Riviera del Conero cornered between the promontory and the sea.

Photo by Luca Boldrini © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

Some colorful umbrellas are also available along the Riviera del Conero.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

Some colorful umbrellas are also available along the Riviera del Conero.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)

San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)

The last port in the south of Le Marche right before the border with the region Abruzzo.

Photo by Roberto Taddeo © 2014

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

A view of "Pian Grande", a large plateau, 4,000 ft above sea level in the nearby region of Umbria, right next to the south west border of Le Marche. 

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2010


Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

During summer lentils flourish into immense colorful stripes all around the Pian Grande.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

A surreal landscape not to be missed while in Le Marche. Few minutes away if you stay in the towns next to the border with Umbria - an excellent base for trekking in the Sibillini chain - or one/two hours by car if you leave from the coast.

Photo by Silvio Croce © 2014

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

That's about lentils but also tulips.

Photo by Silvio Croce © 2014

Montemonaco (AP)

Montemonaco (AP)

Back to the inland of Le Marche, still tulips in the fields at the feet of Monti Sibillini.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2011

Fiastra (MC)

Fiastra (MC)

A sunny morning in Fall seems to be the perfect time to visit Le Lame Rosse (lit. "Red Blades") - a piece of red terrain eroded by the elements into unique cliffs and pinnacles, near the lake of Fiastra.

Photo by Enrico Pighetti © 2014



A windy snowy day in Fermo.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2010



Another sunny season in Fermo.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2010

Monterubbiano (FM)

Monterubbiano (FM)

Sunflowers fields, one of many making Le Marche a sunny region starting from the countryside.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2012



Rainbow over the countryside of the province of Fermo in an Autumn late afternoon.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2012



The pyramidal center of the city of Fermo with the majestic Monte Vettore, highest peak of Monte Sibillini, in the background.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2008



The ocre of Palazzo dei Priori overlooked by the Cathedral on the top of Girfalco hill.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2009



The open gallery (loggiato) of San Rocco in Piazza del Popolo, the main square of the city.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012



Open galleries in Piazza del Popolo, often venues of afternoon walks, outdoor dining or evening drinks.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012



Ancient Roman cisterns to visit in the underground of Fermo's old town.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2010



Ancona's port at night, ships leaving, half moon raising.

Photo by Roberto Taddeo © 2014



The turistic and commercial port of Ancona is one of the main harbors of the Adriatic coast, offering frequent connections also to Croatia, Albania and Greece.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

 The Lazzaretto of Ancona, also called Mole Vanvitelliana, is a pentagonal building constructed on an artificial island for the purpose of serving as quarantine station  for the port of Ancona in the XVIII century.  Photo by Diego Marz

The Lazzaretto of Ancona, also called Mole Vanvitelliana, is a pentagonal building constructed on an artificial island for the purpose of serving as quarantine station  for the port of Ancona in the XVIII century.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN) and Numana (AN)

Sirolo (AN) and Numana (AN)

Once a medieval castle, the ancient village of Sirolo overlooks the beaches of Numana from its cliff next to Monte Conero.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN) and Numana (AN)

Sirolo (AN) and Numana (AN)

The Riviera del Conero starts from the port of Numana and continues towards north through the coves of Sirolo.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Numana (AN)

Numana (AN)

Likely the best way to enjoy the blue waters and the majestic view of Monte Conero.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

A boat is not the best mean to reach the "Spiaggia delle due sorelle" (lit. Two Sisters' beach), it's the only one.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Sirolo (AN)

Sirolo (AN)

Speed boat in slow waters.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2014



Portonovo at the sunset.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Walking outside the theatre right before a play, in Porto San Giorgio.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2010

Urbino (PU)

Urbino (PU)

In the late afternoon of a sunny day, Italy is all well summarized in the "Piazza del Rinascimento" (lit. Renassaince Square) of the walled city of Urbino.

Photo by Angus Kirk © 2014

Urbino (PU)

Urbino (PU)

Urbino, with its Palazzo Ducale and a remarkable historical legacy of independent Renaissance culture, is a World Heritage Site.

Photo by Angus Kirk © 2014

Urbino (PU)

Urbino (PU)

In the patio of Palazzo Ducale, the architectural masterpiece of the city.

Photo by Angus Kirk © 2014

Loreto (AN)

Loreto (AN)

The "Basilica della Santa Casa" (lit. Basilica of the Holy House) is a Catholic place of pilgrimage containing, according to tradition, the house in which the Virgin Mary lived.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2014

Loreto (AN)

Loreto (AN)

The Renaissance style of the beautiful dome of La Basilica.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2014

Santa Vittoria in Matenano (FM)

Santa Vittoria in Matenano (FM)

From hill-top to hill-top, from ancient village to ancient village. In the inland of the province of Fermo.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2008



Someone calls it "the new Tuscany", you can call it "Le Marche".

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012

Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno

Paragliding with a view on Monti Azzurri (lit. Blue Mounts). That's how Monti Sibillini are often called, due to the color they turn into between lights and shadows at the sunset.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2011

Monte Vettore (AP)

Monte Vettore (AP)

Green hill, fog, Mount Vettore: the highest peak of the Monti Sibillini chain.

Photo by Alessandro D'angelo © 2014

Arquata del Tronto (AP)

Arquata del Tronto (AP)

Coming back from a trail ending at Forca di Presta.

Photo by Silvio Croce © 2014

Gola dell'Infernaccio (FM)

Gola dell'Infernaccio (FM)

Inside Gola dell'Infernaccio (lit. Hell's Gorge): name aside, it looks pretty much like paradise in the inland of the province of Fermo.

Photo by Mark Hallam © 2011

Gola dell'Infernaccio (FM)

Gola dell'Infernaccio (FM)

Gola dell'Infernaccio (lit. Hell's Gorge) is one of the key itineraries to consider within the national park of Monti Sibillini.

Photo by Mark Hallam © 2011

Monte Priora (FM)

Monte Priora (FM)

One of the main peaks and recommended trails of the Sibillini chain: Monte Priora in the province of Fermo.

Photo by Eolo Lucentini © 2013

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Marina N.1  by Ferruccio Ferroni, a master of photography, a friend of Le Marche, a friend. Inspired by him and dedicated to his memory, this journey through Le Marche.

Original Photo by Ferruccio Ferroni © 1950

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

«His works are poetic fragments, formal exquisitely composed images that contain the essence, the essence of an energy that carries in itself the spirit of things, the lyrical expressiveness, emotional participation in its most arcane laws.» (Mario Giacomelli)

Original Photo by Ferruccio Ferroni © 1950

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Some of his works are held at the Folkwang Museum of Essen and at the Museum of Modern Art and Information of Senigallia, in Le Marche.

Original Photo by Ferruccio Ferroni © 1950

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

In 1996, Ferruccio Ferroni was given the recognition of "Italian Master Photograph" by F.I.A.F.

Original Photo by Ferruccio Ferroni © 1950

Monte Vidon Corrado (FM)

Monte Vidon Corrado (FM)

Life, art, love, political involvement, fascination for the landscape, night 
charms and dialogues with the moon…all this echoes in the rooms of the 
house museum of Osvaldo Licini - one of the greatest artists of the European XX Century - in the inland of the province of Fermo.

Orginal Painting by Osvaldo Licini

Ascoli Piceno and Monte Vidon Corrado (FM)

Ascoli Piceno and Monte Vidon Corrado (FM)

Osvaldo Licini's paintings can be found at the Gallery of Modern Art Osvaldo Licini” - in Ascoli Piceno - as well as in the house museum in Monte Vidon Corrado (FM) - curated by the "Centro Studi Osvaldo Licini" - on the very premise where the artist spent most of his life.

Original Painting by Osvaldo Licini



"Adoration of the Shepherds", an oil on canvas dating to 1608, is held at the Pinacoteca Civica in Fermo.

Original Painting by Peter Paul Rubens

Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno

It's not unusual to hear of a nice old square in an historical city or ancient village of Le Marche. But the "Piazza del Popolo" (lit. People's square) of Ascoli Piceno is without any doubt the most magnificent architectural heritage of the region and among the most beautiful squares throughout Italy.

Photo by Roberto Taddeo © 2014

Amandola (FM)

Amandola (FM)

A viaduct of the ancient railway - dismissed in 1956 - which used to run from the coast to the inland connecting Porto San Giorgio and Amandola through the valley of the river Tenna.

Photo by Francesco Marzoni © 2012



"Outdoor like Indoor" in a mid-summer night in the old town.

Photo by Roberto Taddeo © 2014


Pedaso (FM)

Pedaso (FM)

In Italy, a sagra is a festival dedicated to some specific local food whose name typically includes a reference to that food itself. Ex. "Sagra delle Cozze" (Shellfish Festival) or "Sagra del biologico" (Organic Food Festival) in Pedaso.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Pedaso (FM)

Pedaso (FM)

In Le Marche there are numerous towns specialized in a given food who celebrate a sagra at least once a year, mostly in summer, in an informal atmosphere, very inclusive with locals as much as with tourists.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

Castelluccio di Norcia (PG) - Umbria

There's quality abundance of typical cold cuts and local cheese selections throughout Le Marche as much as - for the visitors to "Pian Grande" - in the nearby town of Castelluccio di Norcia.

Photo by Silvio Croce © 2014



The International Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo: a not to be missed event in the summer agenda of the region, at the Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014



The Adriatico Mediterraneo festival: intellectuals, musicians, film directors, artists animate the most significant places in Ancona, driving an incentive to reflection on central issues of contemporaneity.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014



Fiorenza Jazz festival, an event born in one of the historical districts of Fermo and growing year after year.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014



"Teatro dell'Aquila", one of the biggest and most beautiful theaters in the region, with a season featuring the most important names of the national scene every year.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012



"Teatro dell'Aquila", the theater is an icon of the cultural and artistic ferment of the city of Fermo.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Tango Argentino could not possibly have no representation in the local dancing scene given the close link between the region and many cities in Argentina where several immigrants from Le Marche landed in the past century.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

The sand of the coast of Le Marche is often venue to initiatives of art and culture, entertainment and parties.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2012

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

Porto San Giorgio (FM)

"Albe Musicali" (lit. musical dawns): a series of concerts along the seaside at the first lights of the day.

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Amandola (FM)

Amandola (FM)

The Button Accordion is very popular in central and southern Italy, particularly in Le Marche during local towns festivities. Once a year, in San Ruffino abbey, an event dedicated to the instrument: "Organetti in fiera" (lit. Accordions at the fair).

Photo by Diego Marzoni © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree, an international festival celebrating music and culture of the 40s/50s, every summer in Senigallia.

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree festival: dancers, players, singers, visitors...all celebrating the 40s dressed like in the 40s.

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree Festival vibes.

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree Festival vibes.

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree Festival vibes and adventures!

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014

Senigallia (AN)

Senigallia (AN)

Summer Jamboree Festival vibes.

Photo by Enrico Morbidelli © 2014